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All students on the waiting list come from low-income families and maintain at least an 80% out of 100% grade point average (equivalent to a B or average in Canada and the United States).


High School
Dream Job - Aeronautical Engineering

Arleth Michelle is 17 years old, she lives with her mother and has no siblings. Arleth likes to do physical activity and hiking in her free time. This summer she is graduating from high school with an excellent average and would like to enter the Instituto Tecnologioco de Hermosillo to study Aeronautical Engineering.  She would like to work in an airline in the future to be able to pay for her expenses and fulfill herself as a professional.


Dream Job - Graphic Design

Nancy Adilene is 19 years old, lives with her mother and brother. Her favorite hobbies are drawing, reading and listening to music. He studied graphic design in Hermosillo at a school called UNIDEP with excellent grades. Nancy needs the support of a sponsor to continue her studies, since her family is suffering financially. She will need a sponsor for at least 2 more years to graduate form college.


Dream Job - Pedagogy

Belem Sarahi: She is 18 years old, she lives with her mother and a sister. She is currently in her second year of university studying pedagogy, her goals are to be a good preschool teacher and learn English. Her hobbies are soccer and drawing. Her family's economic situation is difficult and she needs support to continue her studies. She will need a sponsor for three more years to graduate from college.


High School
Dream Job - 

Esteban Agustin is 15 years old, he lives with his mother and a sister. His mother lives on a pension and his father passed away. His economic situation is precarious and he needs the support of a sponsor to be able to continue studying. Esteban would like to be a psychologist.  He is currently in his second year of Preparatoria (11th grade) and he will need the support of a sponsor for 5 years.


Dream Job - Pedagogy

Gladys Rubi, (girl), She is 18 years old, she lives with her mother and a brother, her mother is currently unemployed and the economic situation is complicated. Gladys is studying pedagogy, in her free time she likes to write and dance. She studies pedagogy and needs the support of a sponsor to continue. She will need a sponsor for at least 3 more years to graduate from college.


Dream Job - Doctor (Cardiologist)

Marina Guadalupe, she is 10 years old, she lives with her parents and 2 siblings. She likes to pay soccer in her free time, and would love to be a cardiologist when she grow up. She is in 5th grade currently with very good grades. She dreams of being the best doctor so she can help people with heart disease and also be very successful so she can help her parents and make them proud.


High School
Dream Job - Doctor (Medic)

Armando, he is 16 years old. Armando lives with his Mother and two siblings, his mom supports them working as an employee in a printing company. He likes to play soccer and draw, he is currently finishing his 10th grade with a very good average. He dreams of becoming a doctor and being able to cure people in need, also of being successful so he can help his sisters go to school.


High School
Dream Job - Nurse

Angel Gabriel, he is 14 years old, he lives with his mother and a brother, his mother is a psychologist and she supports her sons from her job. Angel Likes to go to play basket ball and to cook in his free time. Currently he is finishing 10th grade at a school in Guaymas. He would like to be a nurse and dreams with the opportunity of graduating from collage and have a good job.


High School
Dream Job - Nurse or Odontologist

Jose Clemente, he is 17 years old, he likes to listen to music and play basketball in her free time. Jose is finishing highschool this summer and would like to study to become a nurse or an odontologist.


Dream Job - Doctor (Medic)

Sonorabril, she is 18 years old, form Guaymas but she is studying collage in Baja California at the state university to be a doctor with an excellent average of 92. She depends solely on her mother's income, and medical school is very expensive, which is why she is asking for support to be able to continue. One of her greatest achievements was being accepted to study at three different universities. Without the support of a sponsor it will be impossible for her to continue with her dreams.


Dream Job - Mechatronics Engineer

Cristopher Isaid, 18 years old, is an excellent student currently in his first year of college to become a Mechatronics Engineer. Cristopher lives with his mother, sister and grandmother, he is a very supportive boy, always thinking about how to help his family. He dreams of graduating and getting a good job. The family economy is complicated and he needs the support of a sponsor to continue studying.


Middle School
Dream Job - Industrial Engineer

Leonidas Aaron, he is 12 years old and lives in the town near Guaymas called Santa Clara with his grandmother who is responsible for him and his two siblings. He is a young 8th grade student, with outstanding grades and would like to be an engineer in the future. In his free time he likes to play soccer. 


Middle School
Dream Job - Industrial Engineer

Genaro Saul is 14 years old, in his free time he loves to play soccer and volleyball. Genaro finishes middle school this summer 2024 and is ready to move on to high school. His grades have always been outstanding and he dreams of becoming an industrial engineer. His family and economic situation is complicated since his grandmother is the one who takes care of him and his two siblings, so he needs a sponsor to be able to continue in school.


Elementary School
Dream Job - 

Adriana Sofia is 10 years old, she lives with her grandmother who supports her and her two siblings. k Sofia is in5th grade, and a sponsor is needed to help her with expenses of uniform, shoes and school supplies to be able to stay in school. She likes dancing,  she is very creative and  loves to do handicrafts in her spare time.


Middle School
Dream Job - 

Ingrid Marahi is 14 years old, she is in 9th grade and this summer she will go to high school, she lives with her mother and a brother. She is an excellent student and in her free time she likes to dance. 


Middle School
Dream Job - 

Bayron is 15 years old and will be graduating from middle school this summer and moving on to high school. His grades are very good. He lives with his mother and little sister, and because his mother is a single parent, he is asking for support to be able to continue his studies.


High School
Dream Job - Dentist

Nancy Cristina is 14 years old, she is currently finishing ninth grade and will start high school in August 2024. Her average is excellent! Nancy lives with her mother and her two sibilings. The family's economic situation is complicated and financial support is essential for her to continue her studies. She would like to be a good dentist to support her family and others.

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